NMC Calendar Competition Winners!

A huge congratulations to the winners of the winter and spring seasons of the calendar competition!
Winter Winners:
Simon Mellor
Chris Avery
Andrew Dunshee
Spring Winners:
Andrew Dunshee
Simon Mellor
Rita Duncan
Their stunning photos will be displayed in our very own NMC calendar!
If you fancy a look at the wonderful winning entries please head to our Calendar Competition webpage: http://www.nmcentre.com/calendar-competition
The beautiful calendar will be available to buy at the end of the year.
The competition is still on going for the other two seasons, so please don’t hesitate to get involved and submit your Summer and Autumn photos!
Please send any queries to transitionteam@nmcentre.com
*We also have spaces for advertising opportunities which will be printed in the calendar – if you have a business you want to promote, please get in contact: amy.gittins@nmcentre.com