Social Accounts 2021 - 2022
We would like to thank the wonderful NMC Design+Print for the many hours of creativity, hard work & devotion to producing what we think is an amazing set of Social Accounts for 2021-22.
Our Social Accounts seek to establish the impact of our year's work on people's lives, on our local community, on the environment and the economy. What we produce is over one hundred pages of information, case studies, infographics and financials that aim to demonstrate how we truly make a difference.
For NMC, this is a vital way of measuring the successes of the past year, learn what can be improved upon, and help initiate plans for the future. It is also a great source of evidence based information for funders and other professionals.
It's never perfect! We do our best to take a series of 'slices' through our work and our community to find out how NMC has impacted on people's health, feelings, relationships and much more. It isn't just about how much physio someone has, how often they come to the Centre or how much time they spend socialising here. We know that very often one brief phone conversation, one chance meeting, can have a massive impact and really transform someone's outlook.
Social accounts is really a huge collective effort! You can download the pdf version of the Social Accounts here. Hard copies are available to read at the Centre too.