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NMC Coronavirus Statement

NMC is committed to meeting the needs of everyone in our community, and we are now operating an Advice Line between 9am and 4pm, Monday - Friday.


Please do contact us if you would like any support or advice, have urgent equipment needs, or would like a chat! The number is 01606 860911. During or outside of these hours, you are also very welcome to send us a message via our facebook page, and a member of the team will respond as quickly as we can. 

Our Therapies team have developed Group Online Exercises which are inventive, fun and inclusive. Click here for more information. Limited physiotherapy treatments have now recommenced.


Coronavirus Statement and NMC’s Instructions - last updated on 2nd November 2020.

In the light of the Corona Virus outbreak the NMC is issuing the following urgent and important advice.


Physiotherapy treatments recommenced on 1st September 2020. At the present time we have to reduce the numbers allowed within the building to stay within social distance guidelines so please do not come to the centre unless you have an appointment. If you would like any support or would just like to chat please call us on our advice line.​​

NMC will continue unchanged through the new Lockdown (5th Nov 2020)

The new Lockdown rules specifically allow the continuation of Physiotherapy services AND they specifically allow the continuation of organised and pre-booked support sessions that can involve up to 15 people. Whilst we have no plans to host groups of anywhere near that number, we do appreciate the recognition of the importance of mutual support for those in our community for whom it is a particularly challenging time.

And so NMC remains open and operational through the forthcoming Lockdown in the same way as we have been for the last couple of months.

Additional restrictions:

  • No children to come to NMC until further notice

  • No external visitors or professionals to enter NMC

  • No contractors or tradespeople UNLESS for emergency essential repairs

  • NMC has curtailed deliveries to site and put in place arrangements to prevent any physical contact by delivery staff with colleagues


We want to re-emphasise that, even in normal times when there is no Corona Virus outbreak, you should NOT come to the NMC with symptoms of a cold, fever, flu or cough. Many people at NMC have weakened respiratory function and have increased trouble in getting over colds / chest infection.

When you are at the NMC please have the highest possible vigilance over hand washing and hand hygiene.

The NHS advice is as follows for ease of reference;
Use the 111 online coronavirus service if you have any of the following: 

  • a high temperature

  • a new continuous cough

  • loss or change to your sense of smell or taste

111 will tell you what to do and help you get a test if you need one.

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

Please DO NOT book a GP appointment or attend your GP practice.


A link to the NHS advice is


A link to the Government advice which is updated daily is here

NMC Advice following the Government's Shielding Announcement

As the NMC we are recommending that people keep following the shielding advice for longer. Everyone is doing so well in our community and as a result we haven't heard of any bad news! We understand that people want to go out but keep going until the risk is reduced further, and even then only go slow and steady, doing what you feel comfortable with. If anyone wants to discuss this further please get in touch with the centre.

Many thanks in advance for your consideration and strict compliance at this worrying time for many in our community.
If you have any queries please phone in and speak to us. 

Matthew Lanham, Chief Executive: 01606 860911

Therapies Team: 01606 861 799

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