Mind and Matter
Muscle Month
Can you give some time to help the NeuroMuscular Centre?
There are so many benefits to physical and mental exercise, and we’ve been inspired to make it our Muscle Month theme for 2023!
This year we’re asking you to pick a physical and a mental exercise – see our example ideas! – to complete across June. We suggest doing an hour of each every week, but you can more hours or exercises if you like!
Whether you’d like to use our ideas or come up with your own, join #TeamNMC and help us to raise important funds, all whilst feeling the benefits of physical and mental exercise. 
Muscle Month will be running throughout June, so there’s plenty of time to complete your challenge!
Click below to see our Muscle Month booklet!
Example Physical Exercises
Tai Chi, Yoga, or Pilates
There are plenty of tutorials available online!
Jogging and Running
Even a walk around your garden or local park makes a big difference!
Swimming & Hydrotherapy
Example Mental Exercises
Colouring & Crafting
Top Tip! You can find printable designs at www.justcolor.net or check out the App store on your phone.
Mindful Cooking
Writing & Poetry
Jigsaws, crosswords, or Sudoku
Pssst! You can find plenty of free apps and websites for this!
Mindful Meditation
Visit our Mindfulness page for Kay’s latest Meditations and tips for getting started.
Raising Funds: The Easy Way
You’ve picked your challenge, now its time to get going!
Setting up a JustGiving page is a great way to collect donations, and they collect the Gift Aid too, meaning your supporters can make an even bigger contribute at no extra cost to themselves.
Visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/mindandmattermusclemonth to set yours up and get sharing!
Want to go traditional? Download one of our sponsor forms below to get started.