Work and Skills Census
This is our first work and skills census for the NMC, and your help is appreciated.
If you have a Neuromuscular condition, please take a few minutes to complete the attached census:
At NMC we are always interested in finding out more about our community and that includes all aspects of our lives from what makes us tick, our aspirations to the more day-to-day reality of living with a neuromuscular condition and how it impacts us and what barriers to working (if any) there are.
We would love to hear about your working life, both past and present, or any plans if you are thinking of learning new skills or becoming a volunteer. Please tell us a bit more about you!
This information will be especially useful in identifying the current careers and work aspirations for our community. Not only will it be interesting to compare it to other data in the wider community but also could be vital in helping NMC secure funding for future training and activities.
It is important we stress that all information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be shared with DWP or any other external agencies.
Paper copies are available at NMC reception.
The Census is open until end of March 2024